Sep 17Liked by Tommy Preson Phillips

While it seems clear that the term antichrist isn’t meant only as a reference to a powerful world leader, but also as you mentioned, a reference to the manifestations of those who would lead the church astray from Christ’s plan, I think we also have to contend with the fact that John makes it clear that a world leader will emerge who will unite the nations against Israel, and by association the church. However, it’s not something to fret about or try and predict, but to remain aware of the times in which we live and be watchful.

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Thank you for your reply Scott!

From what I can surmise, John was probably thinking about Domitian or Nero as that figure in his day, but yes, they exist in every time. But I think it would be beneficial to ask the question "What does he mean by Israel?"

Lots of discussion to be had there.

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Sep 17Liked by Tommy Preson Phillips

I think John means Israel as in the one we hear about in the news almost every day. God has allowed them to return to the land, but they are still under His judgment (predicted as far back as Deuteronomy) for rejecting His Messiah, but when Christ returns and claims His family - the church - (just in time to prevent the destruction of Israel… and the church by association), then Israel will suddenly and finally realize and follow Him (having their Emmaus road experience). Setting up the last battle and Jesus enthronement in Jerusalem, ushering in a time of peaceful rule before He finally remakes heavens and earth into new creation with a redeemed human society who will flourish for the rest of eternity.

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I see where you are coming from. It sounds like it fits with dispensationalist reading of the text, which I grew up with.

I don’t hold those ideas anymore mainly because I believe that Paul, taking the lead of Jesus, redefines Israel around Jesus.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the modern nation state we call “Israel.” Gods kingdom, as I understand it, isn’t established by violence or by the establishment of land and government. The kingdom has no land, but instead covers all the world. It has no armies and no flags, for his banner over us is love. Jesus is already the established King of all.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 18Liked by Tommy Preson Phillips

Not dispensationalist. I believe Jews who want to follow God now, must grasp the gospel and become part of the church. But there were land and nation promises made to Abraham, Israel, and David that God must fulfill, otherwise what good are the blessing promises under which the church is grafted into Christ? It's not an 'either/or', but a 'both/and' in my understanding. Modern Israel will recognize Jesus when he returns and make the choice to once again become His people. That doesn't mean we have to applaud bad policies, but we need to be careful not to engage in the mounting hate that John predicts will eventually erupt into a global violence that would destroy Israel completely, were it not for Christ's return.

I'm careful not to try and declaw the untamable Lion. Jesus has already come as the sacrificial lamb. When He returns it will be as judge. We are to live now as His family that follows his sacrifically loving example. We are not judging now, but we will judge with Him in the end. (1 Cor 6:3)

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Tommy Preson Phillips

That's a good word from the Word my brother! KEEP 'EM COMING!

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I believe more than anything else the "End Times" will be preceded by a great falling away and the appearing of “the man of lawlessness” (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). These will be recognised by those who are abiding Christ, who won't be caught out. We know that the "mystery of lawlessness" has been working in the world for at least 2000 years.

You say, "..let us not be consumed by fear or speculation." These are wise words. I recently came on fanciful Revelation 13-related speculations here that triggered predictable responses from the undisciplined and easily led (in my opinion). The Internet spreads foolish ideas in the blink of an eye.


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